Blood oxygen levels are most likely low when blood _____.

A. leaves the aorta

B. fills the right atrium

C. reaches body tissues

D. flows through arteries

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Answer Explanation:

Blood continually flows in one direction, beginning in the heart and proceeding to the arteries, arterioles, and capillaries. When blood reaches the capillaries, exchanges occur between blood and tissues. After this exchange happens, blood is collected into venules, which feed into veins and eventually flow back to the heart’s atrium. The heart must relax between two heartbeats for blood circulation to begin.

Two types of circulatory processes occur in the body:

Systemic circulation

  • The pulmonary vein pushes oxygenated blood into the left atrium.
  • As the atrium relaxes, oxygenated blood drains into the left ventricle through the mitral valve. 3. The left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to the aorta.
  • Blood travels through the arteries and arterioles before reaching the capillaries that surround the tissues.

Pulmonary circulation

  • Two major veins, the Superior Vena Cava and the Inferior Vena Cava, brings deoxygenated blood from the upper and lower half of the body.
  • Deoxygenated blood is pooled into the right atrium and then sent into the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve, which prevents blood from flowing backward.
  • The right ventricle contracts, causing the blood to be pushed through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery.
  • Deoxygenated blood becomes oxygenated in the lungs.
  • Oxygenated blood returns from the lungs to the left atrium through the pulmonary veins.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is B.

More Questions on TEAS 7 Science Practice Test 2

Question 1:

Which sequence describes the hierarchy level of biological organization?

A. Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species

B. Genus, class, kingdom, species, order, phylum, and family

C. Genus, class, kingdom, species, order, phylum, and family

D. Species, kingdom, genus, class, family, phylum, and order

The Correct Answer is A.

Taxonomy is the process of classifying, describing, and naming organisms. There are seven levels in the Linnaean taxonomic system, starting with the broadest level, kingdom, and ending with the species level. For example, in the image the genus level contains two types of bears, but the species level shows one type. Additionally, organisms in each level are found in the level above it. For example, organisms in the order level are part of the class level. This classification system is based on physical similarities across living things. It does not account for molecular or genetic similarities.

Question 2:

The diffusion of nutrients through the walls of the digestive system is critical to homeostasis in the body. Where does the majority of this diffusion take place in the digestive system?

A. Stomach

B. Esophagus

C. Oral cavity

D. Small intestine

The Correct Answer is D.

The duodenum is the first part of the small intestines, located between the stomach and the middle part of the small intestines (jejunum). Once food has mixed with acid in the stomach, it moves into the duodenum, where it then mixes with bile from the gallbladder and digestive juices secreted from the pancreas. In the duodenum, absorption of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients begins.

Question 3:

Which of the following types of tissues include cells of the immune system and of the blood?

A. Connective

B. Epithelial

C. Muscle

D. Neural

The Correct Answer is A.

tissue is a group of cells with similar structure and function and similar extracellular substances located between the cells. The table below describes the four primary tissues found in the human body.


Question 4:

An atom has 28 protons, 32 neutrons, and 28 electrons. What is the name of this isotope?

A. Nickel-32

B. Nickel-60

C. Germanium-56

D. Germanium-60

The Correct Answer is B.

The number of protons, 28, gives the atomic number, which identifies this atom as nickel. The mass is the number after the dash in the isotope name, which is determined by adding the numbers of protons and neutrons (28 + 32 = 60).

Question 5:

Which of the following is supported by the cell theory?

A. Cells are alive and recognized as the building blocks for life.

B. Scientists can identify and differentiate cells by using a microscope

C. Cells are produced from existing cells using meiosis instead of mitosis.

D. Living things are composed of a single cell that remains undifferentiated

The Correct Answer is A.

After scientists were able to view cells under the microscope they formulated the cell theory. One part of this theory concluded that all cells are alive. They also represent the basic unit of life.

All living things are made of cells. Cells are the smallest structural units and basic building blocks of living things. Cells contain everything necessary to keep living things alive. Varying in size and shape, cells carry out specialized functions. This theory, or in-depth explanation, about cells consists of three parts:

  • All living things are composed of one or more cells.
  • Cells are alive and represent the basic unit of life.
  • All cells are produced from pre-existing cells.


Question 6:

A researcher notices a positive correlation between the height of a plant and nutrient concentration over time. Based on this observation, what conclusion does he reach?

A. The height of a plant increases in the absence and presence of the nutrients

B. When the amount of nutrients available to the plant decreases, its height increases.

C. The amount of nutrients available to a plant is independent of how tall the plant gets

D. When the amount of nutrients available to the plant increases, its height also increases.

The Correct Answer is D.

Because this is a positive correlation, if the nutrient concentration increases or decreases, plant height will either increase or decrease accordingly.

While analyzing data, scientists tend to observe cause-and-effect relationships. These relationships can be quantified using correlations. Correlations measure the amount of linear association between two variables. There are three types of correlations:

Positive correlation: 
As one variable increases, the other variable also increases. This is also known as a direct correlation.

Negative correlation: 
As one variable increases, the other decreases. The opposite is true if one variable decreases. A negative correlation is also known as an inverse correlation or an indirect correlation.

No correlation: 
There is no connection or relationship between two variables.

Question 7:

In which state of matter do the particles of iron have the lowest amount of cohesion?

A. Solid iron particles have the lowest amount of cohesion

B. Liquid iron particles have the lowest amount of cohesion

C. Gaseous iron particles have the lowest amount of cohesion

D. The particles have the same amount of cohesion in all states of matter.

The Correct Answer is C.

The particles in a sample of gas are farther apart than in solids or liquids and therefore have the lowest amount of cohesion.

  • Cohesion is the tendency of particles of the same kind to stick to each other.
  • A solid has the lowest amount of energy because its particles are packed close together. Liquids have more energy than a solid, and gases have more energy than solids or liquids because the cohesive forces are very weak.

Question 8:

As soon as an invader, known as a(n) _____, enters the body, the body begins to fight.

A. antibody

B. pathogen

C. trigger

D. vaccination

The Correct Answer is B.

Pathogen is an infectious foreign body that enters the body and causes disease or illness to the person. There are five types of pathogens: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and worms. Pathogens have antigen proteins found on their surface and are unique to each pathogen.

Antibody is a protein produced by the body’s immune system when it detects harmful substances (antigens). There are many different antibodies found in the body. Each one is unique and protects the body against the specific antigen that it detects at any given time. If there are no antibodies for a specific antigen, the more likely you are to develop an illness.

Vaccinations are the introduction of a dead or disabled pathogen or of a harmless microbe with the protein of a pathogen on its surface into the body. Often administered through needle injection, to stimulate the immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease Immunity protects the body from a disease when exposed to it.

There are four types of immunity: natural/passive, natural/active, artificial/passive, and artificial/ active.

  • Natural/passive – Babies receive immunities from breastmilk.
  • Natural/active – The body produces antibodies to combat an illness when a person becomes sick.
  • Artificial/passive – This immunity is temporary and requires doses of serum to maintain the immunity.
  • Artificial/active – A vaccination provides artificial/active immunity.

Question 9:

Which of the following determines the strength of an acidic solution?

A. Litmus paper that turns red

B. Litmus paper that turns blue

C. Measured pH value equal to 7

D. Measured pH value less than 7

The Correct Answer is D.

Both litmus paper and a pH scale can be used to indicate whether a solution is acidic. However, a pH scale can also determine the strength of an acid.

Researchers can determine the strength of an acid or a base by measuring the pH of a solution. The pH value describes how acidic or basic a solution is. On pH scale, shown below, if the number is less than 7 the solution is acidic. A pH greater than 7 means the solution is basic. When the pH is exactly 7, the solution is neutral.

Question 10:

Which choice best describes homeostasis?

A. A functional system of the body

B. Blood flow to every cell in the body

C. A relatively constant environment within the body

D. Neural pathways that have integrated into the body

The Correct Answer is C.

Homeostasis is the existence and maintenance of a relatively constant environment within the body. Each cell of the body is surrounded by a small amount of fluid, and the normal functions of each cell depend on the maintenance of its fluid environment within a narrow range of conditions, including temperature, volume, and chemical content. These conditions are known as variables. For example, body temperature is a variable that can increase in a hot environment or decrease in a cold environment.

There are two types of feedback mechanisms in the human body: negative and positive.

  • Negative Feedback: Most systems of the body are regulated by negative feedback mechanisms, which maintain homeostasis. Negative means that any deviation from the set point is made smaller or is resisted. The maintenance of normal blood pressure is a negative-feedback mechanism. Normal blood pressure is important because it is responsible for moving blood from the heart to tissues.
  • Positive Feedback: Positive-feedback mechanisms are not homeostatic and are rare in healthy individuals. Positive means that when a deviation from a normal value occurs, the response of the system is to make the deviation even greater. Positive feedback therefore usually creates a cycle leading away from homeostasis and, in some cases, results in death. Inadequate delivery of blood to cardiac muscle is an example of positive feedback.