Hikers who found a human body at high altitude in the Italian Alps thought the man had died recently, but tests indicated he was shot with an arrow more than 5,300 years ago. Which of the following would be the best reason for prolonged preservation of the body?

A. The food the person ate contained toxins that killed the bacteria that would have otherwise destroyed the body.

B. The ultraviolet rays such a high altitude caused all the body’s molecules to be preserved.

C. The arrow wound caused the blood to flow out of the body, which led the enzymes that would break down tissues to be cleared from the body.

D. The body was frozen in the cold temperature of the Alps shortly after he died and remained frozen until was found.

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Answer Explanation:

It is common practice that dead bodies are preserved in cold temperatures to preserve them. At cold temperature, microorganisms that may cause the body to rot become inactivated by the extreme cold temperatures.

It should be noted that temperature declines with altitude. Temperatures at the top of Alps are very cold, therefore the body of the dead man was frozen on the cold temperature and remained frozen after he died.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is D.

More Questions

Question 1:

The papillary and reticular layers of the dermis are composed mainly of ________

A. melanocytes

B. keratinocytes

C. connective tissue

D. adipose tissue

The Correct Answer is C.

Question 2:

Hikers who found a human body at high altitude in the Italian Alps thought the man had died recently, but tests indicated he was shot with an arrow more than 5,300 years ago.
Which of the following would be the best reason for prolonged preservation of the body?

A. The food the person ate contained toxins that killed the bacteria that would have otherwise destroyed the body.

B. The ultraviolet rays such a high altitude caused all the body’s molecules to be preserved.

C. The arrow wound caused the blood to flow out of the body, which led the enzymes that would break down tissues to be cleared from the body.

D. The body was frozen in the cold temperature of the Alps shortly after he died and remained frozen until was found.

The Correct Answer is D.

It is common practice that dead bodies are preserved in cold temperatures to preserve them. At cold temperature, microorganisms that may cause the body to rot become inactivated by the extreme cold temperatures.

It should be noted that temperature declines with altitude. Temperatures at the top of Alps are very cold, therefore the body of the dead man was frozen on the cold temperature and remained frozen after he died.

Question 3:

In humans, exposure of the skin to sunlight is required for ________.

A. vitamin D synthesis

B. arteriole constriction

C. folate production

D. thermoregulation

The Correct Answer is A.

Sunlight exposure helps the body to produce vitamin D, which helps calcium absorption for stronger and healthier bones.

Question 4:

The papillary layer of the dermis is most closely associated with which layer of the epidermis?

A. stratum spinosum

B. stratum corneum

C. stratum granulosum

D. stratum basale

The Correct Answer is D.

The papillary layer is made of loose, areolar connective tissue, which means the collagen and elastin fibers of this layer form a loose mesh. This superficial layer of the dermis projects into the stratum basale of the epidermis to form finger-like dermal papillae.