in which of the following locations does fertilization of an egg cell typically occur?

A. Fallopian Tube

B. Ovary

C. Uterus

D. Cervical canal

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Answer Explanation:

Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube and not in the ovary, uterus, or cervical canal.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is A.

More Questions on TEAS 7 Science Exam 5

Question 1:

Using the equation PH = -log (H+), a solution with a (H+)= 10+ M has a PH of which of the following?

A. 9

B. 5

C. 1

D. 10

The Correct Answer is C.

Concentration of H+ in the solution = 10 −1  M

pH= -log(10 −1)

pH= -(-1)


Question 2:

A study found two processes. Process A and Process B, are to be correlated.

Which of the following is true for these processes?

A. The study indicates that Process A causes Process B

B. The study cannot indicate whether Process A and B have a negative relationship

C. The study does not indicate a causal relationship between the processes.

D. The study cannot indicate whether Process A and B have a positive relationship

The Correct Answer is C.

Correlation does not imply causation. Even if two processes are found to be correlated, it does not necessarily mean that one causes the other. It could be that they are both influenced by a third factor, or the correlation could be coincidental. Therefore, the study does not indicate a causal relationship between the processes.

Question 3:

Which of the following endocrine organs in the diagram below is involved in regulating milk production following childbirth?

A. Pituitary gland

B. Thyroid gland

C. Adrenal glands

D. Ovaries

The Correct Answer is A.

The pituitary gland produces prolactin, which regulates milk production


Question 4:

Experiments cannot validate hypotheses, only falsify them

The statement above can be restated in which of the following ways?

A. Until disproved, an exploration for an observation is valid

B. A hypothesis that has not been falsified remains provisional

C. Certain concepts cannot be subjected to direct experimentation

D. Proving a hypothesis exempt from further testing

The Correct Answer is B.

This means that a hypothesis is considered valid until it is disproved by experimental evidence. However, even if a hypothesis has not been falsified, it is still considered provisional and subject to further testing and scrutiny.

Question 5:

Which of the following nucleotides is only found in RNA?

A. Guanine

B. Thymine

C. Uracil

D. Adenine

The Correct Answer is C.

Uracil is the nucleotide that is only found in RNA. The other nucleotides are found in both DNA and RNA


Question 6:

Which of the following describes one difference between skeletal muscles and cardiac muscles?

A. Skeletal muscles are found in the viscera whereas cardiac muscles are found in the cranium

B. Cardiac muscles contain intercalated discs, whereas skeletal muscles do not

C. Cardiac muscles are voluntary, whereas skeletal muscles are involuntary

D. Skeletal muscles are autorhythmic, whereas cardiac muscles are not

The Correct Answer is B.

Cardiac muscles have intercalated discs that enable them to contract in a coordinated manner. Skeletal muscles do not have intercalated discs, as their contraction is under voluntary control and does not require the same level of synchronization seen in the involuntary contraction of cardiac muscle.

Question 7:

Which of the following characteristics of water helps explain why coastal areas experience less dramatic temperature changes during the day?

A. Water has a high specific heat capacity

B. Water is a versatile solvent

C. Water forms covalent bonds with other water molecules

D. Water's adhesive properties prevent evaporation

The Correct Answer is A.

Water has a high specific heat capacity, which means it can absorb and store a large amount of heat energy without significantly changing in temperature. This helps moderate the temperature fluctuations of the air near the coast, as water can store heat during the day and release it at night, or vice versa.

Question 8:

A slice of apple left on a table slowly goes brown due to an enzymatic reaction. Dipping the apple slice in lemon juice prevents it from browning Which of the following best explains this result?

A. Lemon juice has enzymes which reverse the browning reaction

B. Lemon juice has a pH which inactivates the enzymes

C. Lemon juice functions to bleach the brown material

D. Lemon juice functions to dilute the brown material

The Correct Answer is B.

Browning of the apple surface is due to the action of the enzyme polyphenol oxidase. Lemon juice is acidic and lowers the pH of the apple's surface. This inactivates the enzyme polyphenol oxidase, which works best at a neutral pH. This in turn reduces the browning action on the apple.

Question 9:

Which of the following correctly orders structures from simple to complex?

A. Organs, tissues, cells, atoms

B. Cell, tissues, atoms, organs

C. Atoms, organs, tissues, cells

D. Atoms, cells, tissues, organs

The Correct Answer is D.


Atoms are the smallest and most basic units of matter, and they can combine to form molecules. Cells are the basic units of life, and they are made of molecules. Tissues are groups of cells that work together to perform a specific function, such as muscle tissue or nerve tissue. Organs are collections of tissues that form a larger structure.

Question 10:

Which of the following tools can be used to measure the turbidity of a liquid by measuring the transmission of light through the sample?

A. Spectrophotometer

B. Centrifuge

C. Electro photometer

D. Microdensitometer

The Correct Answer is A.

A spectrophotometer is an instrument that measures the intensity of light absorbed after it passes through a sample solution. With the spectrophotometer, the concentration of a chemical substance can be determined by measuring the intensity of light detected.