Mendel discovered the pattern associated with _____after developing a series of rules in genetics.

A. epigenetics

B. heredity

C. heterogeneity

D. taxonomy

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Answer Explanation:

Mendel was accurately able to predict the patterns of heredity by studying rules related to genetics. These rules helped shape his theory of heredity. Heredity is the characteristics offspring inherit from their parents. 

From experiments with garden peas, Mendel developed a simple set of rules that accurately predicted patterns of heredity. He discovered that plants either self-pollinate or cross-pollinate, when the pollen from one plant fertilizes the pistil of another plant. He also discovered that traits are either dominant or recessive. Dominant traits are expressed, and recessive traits are hidden.

Mendel’s Theory of Heredity

To explain his results, Mendel proposed a theory that has become the foundation of the science of genetics. The theory has five elements:

  • Parents do not transmit traits directly to their offspring. Rather, they pass on units of information called genes.
  • For each trait, an individual has two factors: one from each parent. If the two factors have the same information, the individual is homozygous for that trait. If the two factors are different, the individual is heterozygous for that trait. Each copy of a factor, or gene, is called an allele.
  • The alleles determine the physical appearance, or phenotype. The set of alleles an individual has is its genotype.
  • An individual receives one allele from each parent.
  • The presence of an allele does not guarantee that the trait will be expressed.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is B.

More Questions on TEAS 7 Science Practice Test 2

Question 1:

An intracellular chemical signal can be produced in the cell membrane. Once it is produced, where does it go?

A. To a different cell

B. To another part of the same cell

C. To a region right outside the cell

D. To an area with a high ion concentration

The Correct Answer is B.

There are two major types of receptor molecules that respond to an intercellular chemical signal:

  • Intracellular receptors: These receptors are located in either the cytoplasm or the nucleus of the cell. Signals diffuse across the cell membrane and bind to the receptor sites on intracellular receptors, of the same cell.
  • Membrane-bound receptors: These receptors extend across the cell membrane, with their receptor sites on the outer surface of the cell membrane. They respond to intercellular chemical signals that are large, water-soluble molecules that do not diffuse across the cell membrane.

Question 2:

_____ is dependent not only on the temperature, but also on the amount of substance available.

A. Condensation

B. Deposition

C. Evaporation

D. Melting

The Correct Answer is C.

Unlike condensation, deposition, and melting, evaporation is dependent not only on the temperature, but also on the amount of a substance available.

Condensation is the change of a gas or vapor to a liquid. A change in the pressure and the temperature of a substance causes this change. The condensation point is the same as the boiling point of a substance. It is most noticeable when there is a large temperature difference between an object and the atmosphere. Condensation is also the opposite of evaporation.

Evaporation is the change of a liquid to a gas on the surface of a substance. This is not to be confused with boiling, which is a phase transition of an entire substance from a liquid to a gas. The evaporation point is the same as the freezing point of a substance. As the temperature increases, the rate of evaporation also increases. Evaporation depends not only on the temperature, but also on the amount of substance available.

Freezing is the change of a liquid to a solid. It occurs when the temperature drops below the freezing point. The amount of heat that has been removed from the substance allows the particles of the substance to draw closer together, and the material changes from a liquid to a solid. It is the opposite of melting.

Melting is the change of a solid into a liquid. For melting to occur, enough heat must be added to the substance. When this is done, the molecules move around more, and the particles are unable to hold together as tightly as they can in a solid. They break apart, and the solid becomes a liquid.

Sublimation is a solid changing into a gas. As a material sublimates, it does not pass through the liquid state. An example of sublimation is carbon dioxide, a gas, changing into dry ice, a solid. It is the reverse of deposition.

Deposition is a gas changing into a solid without going through the liquid phase. It is an uncommon phase change. An example is when it is extremely cold outside and the cold air comes in contact with a window. Ice will form on the window without going through the liquid state.

Question 3:

In which state of matter do the particles of iron have the lowest amount of cohesion?

A. Solid iron particles have the lowest amount of cohesion

B. Liquid iron particles have the lowest amount of cohesion

C. Gaseous iron particles have the lowest amount of cohesion

D. The particles have the same amount of cohesion in all states of matter.

The Correct Answer is C.

The particles in a sample of gas are farther apart than in solids or liquids and therefore have the lowest amount of cohesion.

  • Cohesion is the tendency of particles of the same kind to stick to each other.
  • A solid has the lowest amount of energy because its particles are packed close together. Liquids have more energy than a solid, and gases have more energy than solids or liquids because the cohesive forces are very weak.

Question 4:

Mendel discovered the pattern associated with _____after developing a series of rules in genetics.

A. epigenetics

B. heredity

C. heterogeneity

D. taxonomy

The Correct Answer is B.

Mendel was accurately able to predict the patterns of heredity by studying rules related to genetics. These rules helped shape his theory of heredity. Heredity is the characteristics offspring inherit from their parents. 

From experiments with garden peas, Mendel developed a simple set of rules that accurately predicted patterns of heredity. He discovered that plants either self-pollinate or cross-pollinate, when the pollen from one plant fertilizes the pistil of another plant. He also discovered that traits are either dominant or recessive. Dominant traits are expressed, and recessive traits are hidden.

Mendel’s Theory of Heredity

To explain his results, Mendel proposed a theory that has become the foundation of the science of genetics. The theory has five elements:

  • Parents do not transmit traits directly to their offspring. Rather, they pass on units of information called genes.
  • For each trait, an individual has two factors: one from each parent. If the two factors have the same information, the individual is homozygous for that trait. If the two factors are different, the individual is heterozygous for that trait. Each copy of a factor, or gene, is called an allele.
  • The alleles determine the physical appearance, or phenotype. The set of alleles an individual has is its genotype.
  • An individual receives one allele from each parent.
  • The presence of an allele does not guarantee that the trait will be expressed.

Question 5: A person is diagnosed as having acidosis, a condition in which the blood pH is below 7.45. What does the doctor most likely conclude?

A. Too much carbon dioxide is found in the blood.

B. Highly oxygenated blood circulates through the body

C. A blockage prevents blood from leaving the pulmonary artery

D. The nasal cavity has a difficult time clearing particles from the air.

The Correct Answer is A. Acidosis is when the body fluids contain too much acid, or low pH. The kidneys and lungs are unable to keep the body’s pH in balance. Acidosis is the result when there is too much loss of bicarbonate from the blood known as metabolic acidosis, or due to a buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood due to poor lung function, known as respiratory acidosis. It is the opposite of alkalosis, which is a condition in which there is too much base in the body fluids.

Question 6:

Which blood group is a universal donor?

A. A

B. B


D. O

The Correct Answer is D.

A person can be a universal blood donor or acceptor. A universal blood donor has type O blood, while a universal blood acceptor has type AB blood.

There are several different types or groups of blood, and the major groups are A, B, AB, and O. Blood group is a way to classify blood according to inherited differences of red blood cell antigens found on the surface of a red blood cell. The type of antibody in blood also identifies a particular blood group. Antibodies are proteins found in the plasma. They function as part of the body’s natural defense to recognize foreign substances and alert the immune system.

Depending on which antigen is inherited, parental offspring will have one of the four major blood groups. Collectively, the following major blood groups comprise the ABO system:

  • Blood group A: Displays type A antigens on the surface of a red blood cell and contains B antibodies in the plasma.
  • Blood group B: Displays type B antigens on the red blood cell’s surface and contains A antibodies in the plasma.
  • Blood group O: Does not display A or B antigens on the surface of a red blood cell. Both A and B antibodies are in the plasma.
  • Blood group AB: Displays type A and B antigens on the red blood cell’s surface, but neither A nor B antibodies are in the plasma

In addition to antigens, the Rh factor protein may exist on a red blood cell’s surface. Because this protein can be either present (+) or absent (-), it increases the number of major blood groups from four to eight: A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, and AB-.


Question 7:

Where is skeletal muscle found?

A. Inside the heart

B. Attached to bone

C. Lining the walls of the bladder

D. Within the gastrointestinal tract

The Correct Answer is B.

Skeletal muscle: This muscle cell is striated, long, and cylindrical. There are many nuclei in a skeletal muscle cell. Attached to bones in the body, skeletal muscle contracts voluntarily, meaning that it is under conscious control.

Smooth muscle: This muscle consists of nonstriated muscle cells that are spindle-shaped. Like cardiac muscle cells, smooth muscle cells contain one nucleus. This muscle type is found in the walls of internal organs like the bladder and stomach. Smooth muscle contraction is involuntary and controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

Cardiac muscle: This muscle consists of muscle cells that are striated, short, and branched. These cells contain one nucleus, are branched, and are rectangular. Cardiac muscle contraction is an involuntary process, which is why it is under the control of the autonomic nervous system. This muscle is found in the walls of the heart.

Question 8:

Which statement best represents Mendel’s experiments with garden peas?

A. As a result, Mendel developed several theories that have since been disproved.

B. Mendel realized he was on an incorrect track, which led him to other experimental media

C. As a result, Mendel developed foundational conclusions that are still valued and followed today.

D. Mendel collaborated with others interested in genetics to develop heredity guidelines we still use today

The Correct Answer is D.

Mendel developed theories of genetics that scientists around the world use today.

From experiments with garden peas, Mendel developed a simple set of rules that accurately predicted patterns of heredity. He discovered that plants either self-pollinate or cross-pollinate, when the pollen from one plant fertilizes the pistil of another plant. He also discovered that traits are either dominant or recessive. Dominant traits are expressed, and recessive traits are hidden.

Mendel’s Theory of Heredity

To explain his results, Mendel proposed a theory that has become the foundation of the science of genetics. The theory has five elements:

  • Parents do not transmit traits directly to their offspring. Rather, they pass on units of information called genes.
  • For each trait, an individual has two factors: one from each parent. If the two factors have the same information, the individual is homozygous for that trait. If the two factors are different, the individual is heterozygous for that trait. Each copy of a factor, or gene, is called an allele.
  • The alleles determine the physical appearance, or phenotype. The set of alleles an individual has is its genotype.
  • An individual receives one allele from each parent.
  • The presence of an allele does not guarantee that the trait will be expressed.

Question 9:

What standard is used to make comparisons in experiments?

A. Sample size

B. Control group

C. Dependent variable

D. Independent variable

The Correct Answer is B.

A control group is a factor that does not change during an experiment. Due to this, it is used as a standard for comparison with variables that do change such as a dependent variable.

Recall that these make up the scientific method, described below:

  • Problem: The question created because of an observation. Example: Does the size of a plastic object affect how fast it naturally degrades in a lake?
  • Research: Reliable information available about what is observed. Example: Learn how plastics are made and understand the properties of a lake.
  • Hypothesis: A predicted solution to the question or problem. Example: If the plastic material is small, then it will degrade faster than a large particle.
  • Experiment: A series of tests used to evaluate the hypothesis. Experiments consist of an independent variable that the researcher modifies and a dependent variable that changes due to the independent variable. They also include a control group used as a standard to make comparisons. 
    • Example: Collect plastic particles both onshore and offshore of the lake over time. Determine the size of the particles and describe the lake conditions during this time period.
  • Observe: Analyze data collected during an experiment to observe patterns. 
    • Example: Analyze the differences between the numbers of particles collected in terms of size.
  • Conclusion: State whether the hypothesis is rejected or accepted and summarize all results.
  • Communicate: Report findings so others can replicate and verify the results.

Question 10:

Which is true regarding the Urinary system?

A. Kidneys makes urine, Kidney help regulate water balance.

B. As a person ages, kidney tissue and filtration capacity increase, Regulates levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium.

C. Eliminates metabolic wastes., Kidneys makes urine., Kidney help regulate water balance.

D. Kidney help regulate water balance, Regulates levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, Eliminates metabolic wastes

The Correct Answer is D.

Kidneys makes urine is incorrect. Kidneys do not make urine. They help regulate water balance, regulate levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, and eliminate metabolic wastes. Urine is a byproduct of these functions.

As a person ages, kidney tissue and filtration capacity increase is incorrect. As a person ages, the kidneys and bladder change. This can affect functions such as bladder control and how well the kidneys filter blood. Kidney changes range from a decrease in kidney tissue to decreased filtration capacity.

Kidneys help regulate water balance is correct. Kidneys help regulate water balance, regulate levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, and eliminate metabolic wastes. Urine is a byproduct of these functions.

Regulates levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium is correct. There must be a continual balance of water and salt in the blood. The urinary system, specifically the kidneys, help maintain this balance. It also balances levels of metabolites or electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and calcium.

Eliminates metabolic wastes is correct. Urea, creatinine, uric acid, and ammonium are the primary types of nitrogenous wastes excreted from the body. The urinary system also detects and excretes excess water from the blood and out of the body.