The enzyme pepsin is produced in the cells of the stomach but not in the cells of the small intestine. The small intestine produces a different enzyme, trypsin. The reason that the stomach and small intestine produce different enzymes is that the gene that codes for pepsin is

A. in the cells of the stomach, but not in the cells of the small intestine

B. expressed in the stomach but not expressed in the small intestine

C. mutated in the small intestine

D. digested by the trypsin in the small intestine

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Answer Explanation:

Enzymes are proteins that catalyze specific biochemical reactions in living organisms.

The production of enzymes is regulated by gene expression, where specific genes are activated (expressed) to produce particular enzymes in different cells or tissues.

In this case, the gene responsible for coding the enzyme pepsin is expressed in the cells of the stomach, leading to the production of pepsin in the stomach.

Conversely, the gene for trypsin is expressed in the cells of the small intestine, resulting in the production of trypsin in the small intestine.

Therefore, the reason that the stomach and small intestine produce different enzymes is due to the differential gene expression in these respective tissues.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is B.

More Questions on Digestive System Practice Exam 1

Question 1:

The pancreas is an organ connected to the digestive tract of humans by a duct (tube) through

A. which digestive enzymes flow. These enzymes are important to the digestive system because

B. they

C. form proteins needed in the stomach

D. form the acids that break down food

The Correct Answer is C.

The enzymes secreted by the pancreas play a crucial role in the digestion process by breaking down various nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, into smaller molecules.

These smaller molecules are then absorbed through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream and subsequently transported to cells throughout the body for energy production, growth, and repair.

Therefore, these enzymes are essential for converting complex food substances into molecules that can be utilized by the body's cells for various metabolic processes.

Question 2:

Which food would provide the most roughage for the body?

A. baked fresh fish

B. lettuce-and-tomato salad

C. fried chicken breast

D. milkshake

The Correct Answer is B.

B) lettuce-and-tomato salad

- Correct: Lettuce-and-tomato salad would provide the most roughage for the body. Roughage, also known as dietary fiber or bulk, refers to the indigestible portion of plant foods that adds bulk to the stool and helps regulate bowel movements. Lettuce and tomatoes are both rich sources of dietary fiber. Lettuce, especially varieties like romaine or leaf lettuce, contains cellulose and other insoluble fibers, while tomatoes contain soluble fibers like pectin. Consuming a salad made of lettuce and tomatoes would provide a significant amount of roughage to the body, promoting digestive health and regular bowel movements.

A) baked fresh fish

- Incorrect: Fish does not contain significant amounts of dietary fiber. While fish is a valuable source of protein and other nutrients, it is not a source of roughage.

C) fried chicken breast

- Incorrect: Fried chicken breast does not contain significant amounts of dietary fiber. Additionally, frying can add unhealthy fats and calories to the chicken breast, further reducing its nutritional value in terms of roughage.

D) milkshake

- Incorrect: Milkshakes are typically made with milk, ice cream, and flavorings, none of which provide dietary fiber. In fact, milkshakes are generally low in fiber and may contain high amounts of sugar and fat, making them poor choices for increasing roughage intake.

Question 3:

Emulsification of fats in the small intestines is due to the action of bile, which is released into the intestine from the

A. stomach

B. gall bladder

C. villi

D. lacteals

The Correct Answer is B.

B) gall bladder

- Correct: Bile, which aids in the emulsification of fats in the small intestine, is stored and concentrated in the gall bladder before being released into the small intestine. When fatty foods enter the small intestine, the gall bladder contracts and releases bile into the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). Bile helps to break down large fat globules into smaller droplets, a process known as emulsification, which increases the surface area for the action of digestive enzymes, such as lipase, facilitating the digestion and absorption of fats.

A) stomach

- Incorrect: Bile is not released from the stomach. The stomach primarily secretes gastric juices containing hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen to aid in the digestion of proteins.

C) villi

- Incorrect: Villi are finger-like projections in the lining of the small intestine that increase its surface area for nutrient absorption but do not release bile.

D) lacteals

- Incorrect: Lacteals are lymphatic vessels found in the villi of the small intestine that absorb dietary fats and fat-soluble vitamins. They do not release bile.

Question 4:

In some regions of the world, children suffer from a protein deficiency known as kwashiorkor. This deficiency occurs when a child's diet is changed from high-protein breast milk to watery cereal. Even though the child is receiving calories, the child becomes sick and less active, and growth ceases. These symptoms are probably due to

A. too many nucleic acids in the diet

B. an overconsumption of complete protein foods

C. not enough carbohydrates in the diet

D. a lack of essential amino acids in the diet

The Correct Answer is D.

D) a lack of essential amino acids in the diet

- Correct: Kwashiorkor is a form of severe acute malnutrition that occurs due to inadequate protein intake, particularly deficient in essential amino acids. When a child's diet is changed from high-protein breast milk to watery cereal, which is often low in protein and deficient in essential amino acids, the child may develop kwashiorkor despite receiving calories. Essential amino acids are necessary for proper growth, immune function, and overall health. Without an adequate supply of essential amino acids, the body cannot synthesize proteins required for various physiological processes, leading to symptoms such as stunted growth, lethargy, edema (swelling), and weakened immune function, which are characteristic of kwashiorkor.

A) too many nucleic acids in the diet

- Incorrect: Kwashiorkor is not caused by an excess of nucleic acids in the diet. Nucleic acids are the building blocks of DNA and RNA and are not directly related to the development of kwashiorkor.

B) an overconsumption of complete protein foods

- Incorrect: Kwashiorkor results from a deficiency in protein intake, particularly inadequate consumption of essential amino acids, rather than an overconsumption of complete protein foods.

C) not enough carbohydrates in the diet

- Incorrect: While a diet lacking in carbohydrates can lead to energy deficiency, it does not directly cause the symptoms of kwashiorkor. Kwashiorkor is primarily associated with inadequate protein intake, not insufficient carbohydrate intake.

Question 5:

What occurs during the digestion of proteins?

A. Specific enzymes break down proteins into amino acids.

B. Specific hormones break down proteins into simple sugars.

C. Specific hormones break down proteins into complex starches.

D. Specific enzymes break down proteins into simple sugars.

The Correct Answer is A.

A) Specific enzymes break down proteins into amino acids.

- Correct: This is the correct answer. Proteins are broken down into their constituent amino acids by specific enzymes during the process of digestion. Enzymes like pepsin in the stomach and various proteases in the small intestine facilitate this breakdown.

B) Specific hormones break down proteins into simple sugars.

- Incorrect: Hormones are not directly involved in breaking down proteins into simple sugars. Hormones are signaling molecules that regulate various processes in the body, including metabolism, but they don't directly participate in the breakdown of proteins into sugars.

C) Specific hormones break down proteins into complex starches.

- Incorrect: Hormones do not break down proteins into complex starches. Proteins are broken down into amino acids by enzymes, not hormones. Starches are complex carbohydrates and are broken down into simple sugars by enzymes like amylase, not proteins.

D) Specific enzymes break down proteins into simple sugars.

- Incorrect: Proteins are not broken down into simple sugars. They are broken down into amino acids by specific enzymes. Simple sugars come from the breakdown of carbohydrates, not proteins.

Question 6:

Which components of the human diet contain the greatest amounts of sugars and starches?

A. meat and eggs

B. fruits and vegetables

C. minerals and milk

D. water and vitamins

The Correct Answer is B.

B) fruits and vegetables

- Correct: Fruits and vegetables contain the greatest amounts of sugars and starches in the human diet. Both fruits and vegetables are rich sources of carbohydrates, including natural sugars, fiber, and starches. These carbohydrates provide a readily available source of energy for the body. Examples of fruits with natural sugars include apples, bananas, and grapes, while starch-containing vegetables include potatoes, corn, and peas.

A) meat and eggs

- Incorrect: Meat and eggs are primarily sources of proteins and fats, not sugars and starches. They contain minimal amounts of carbohydrates.

C) minerals and milk

- Incorrect: Minerals are inorganic compounds essential for various physiological functions, and milk is a source of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (mainly lactose, a sugar). While milk contains some sugars, fruits and vegetables typically contribute more significant amounts of sugars and starches to the diet.

D) water and vitamins

- Incorrect: Water and vitamins are essential components of the diet, but they do not contain sugars and starches. Water is a vital component for hydration, and vitamins are organic compounds required for various biochemical processes in the body.

Question 7:

In humans, chemical digestion is accomplished

A. by enzyme action that begins in the mouth and ends in the

B. esophagus

C. stomach

D. small intestine

The Correct Answer is C.

C) small intestine

- Correct: Chemical digestion in humans is a complex process involving various enzymes acting on different nutrients. While digestion does begin in the mouth with the action of enzymes like salivary amylase on carbohydrates, the majority of chemical digestion occurs in the small intestine. Enzymes secreted by the pancreas (such as pancreatic amylase, lipase, and proteases) and the small intestine itself (such as maltase, sucrase, lactase, and peptidases) break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into smaller molecules. Additionally, bile salts produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder aid in the emulsification and digestion of fats in the small intestine. Therefore, chemical digestion largely concludes in the small intestine before nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream.

A) esophagus

- Incorrect: The esophagus is primarily involved in the mechanical process of swallowing, which pushes food down into the stomach. While some minor enzymatic activity may occur due to saliva coating the food during swallowing, significant chemical digestion does not occur in the esophagus.

B) stomach

- Incorrect: While the stomach does play a role in chemical digestion, particularly in the breakdown of proteins by the enzyme pepsin and the denaturation of proteins by hydrochloric acid, the majority of chemical digestion occurs in the small intestine. The stomach mainly serves to mechanically churn food and begin the process of protein digestion.

D) gallbladder

- Incorrect: The gallbladder stores and releases bile produced by the liver, which aids in the emulsification and digestion of fats in the small intestine. However, the gallbladder itself is not directly involved in chemical digestion, and the majority of digestive enzymes are not secreted or stored in the gallbladder.

Question 8:

Which structures secrete chemicals utilized for the completion of digestion within the small intestine?

A. liver and pancreas

B. glomerulus and villi

C. esophagus and alveoli

D. gallbladder and pharynx

The Correct Answer is A.

A) liver and pancreas

- Correct: The liver and pancreas both secrete chemicals that are utilized for the completion of digestion within the small intestine. The liver produces bile, which is stored in the gallbladder and released into the small intestine to aid in the emulsification and digestion of fats. The pancreas secretes pancreatic enzymes (such as amylase, lipase, and proteases) into the small intestine to further break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into smaller molecules that can be absorbed.

B) glomerulus and villi

- Incorrect: The glomerulus is a part of the kidney involved in the filtration of blood, and villi are finger-like projections in the small intestine that increase surface area for absorption. While villi play a role in absorption within the small intestine, they do not secrete chemicals for digestion. The glomerulus is not involved in digestion.

C) esophagus and alveoli

- Incorrect: The esophagus is involved in swallowing and does not secrete chemicals for digestion. Alveoli are air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs during respiration and are not involved in digestion.

D) gallbladder and pharynx

- Incorrect: The gallbladder stores bile produced by the liver but does not secrete chemicals directly into the small intestine. The pharynx is involved in swallowing and does not secrete chemicals for digestion.


Question 9:

Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below.

A digestive function of organ C is the synthesis and secretion of

A. salivary amylase

B. protease

C. hydrochloric acid

D. bile

The Correct Answer is B.

Protease enzymes are responsible for breaking down proteins in our food into amino acids. Then different enzymes join amino acids together to form new proteins needed by the body for growth and repair. Protease enzymes are produced in pancreas.

Question 10:

Which disorder would most directly interfere with the emulsification of fats?

A. bronchitis

B. gout

C. goiter

D. gallstones

The Correct Answer is D.

D) gallstones

- Correct: Gallstones would most directly interfere with the emulsification of fats. Emulsification of fats is primarily facilitated by bile, a digestive fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Gallstones are hardened deposits that form in the gallbladder, often consisting of cholesterol or bilirubin. These stones can obstruct the flow of bile from the gallbladder into the small intestine, impairing the emulsification of fats and leading to difficulties in fat digestion and absorption. This obstruction can result in symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, and indigestion.

A) bronchitis

- Incorrect: Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial tubes in the lungs and does not directly interfere with the emulsification of fats in the digestive system.

B) gout

- Incorrect: Gout is a form of arthritis characterized by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints, typically affecting the feet. It does not directly interfere with the emulsification of fats in the digestive system.

C) goiter

- Incorrect: Goiter is an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland in the neck, often due to iodine deficiency or thyroid disorders. It does not directly interfere with the emulsification of fats in the digestive system.