What is the final structure through which urine must travel to empty out of the body?

A. Bladder

B. Kidney

C. Ureter

D. Urethra

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Answer Explanation:

The primary organ of the urinary system is the kidney. Blood from the heart flows through the kidneys via the renal artery. As blood drains from the kidney, it exits through a series of veins, the most prominent of which is the renal vein. When urine is produced, it does not drain through the tubes through which blood flows. Rather, urine flows through two ureters before emptying into the urinary bladder.

The following steps outline how the urinary system works:

  • Kidney filters and excretes wastes from blood, producing urine.
  • Urine flows down the ureters.
  • Urine empties into the bladder and is temporarily stored.
  • Bladder, when filled, empties urine out of the body via the urethra.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is D.

More Questions on TEAS 7 Science Practice Test 2

Question 1:

The diffusion of nutrients through the walls of the digestive system is critical to homeostasis in the body. Where does the majority of this diffusion take place in the digestive system?

A. Stomach

B. Esophagus

C. Oral cavity

D. Small intestine

The Correct Answer is D.

The duodenum is the first part of the small intestines, located between the stomach and the middle part of the small intestines (jejunum). Once food has mixed with acid in the stomach, it moves into the duodenum, where it then mixes with bile from the gallbladder and digestive juices secreted from the pancreas. In the duodenum, absorption of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients begins.

Question 2:

While hiking, a person is startled after encountering a bear. Her palms get sweaty and her heart starts racing. Which part of her nervous system was directly stimulated?

A. Central

B. Parasympathetic

C. Somatic

D. Sympathetic

The Correct Answer is D.

The autonomic nervous system is responsible for activities that are nonvoluntary and under unconscious control. This system controls glands and the smooth muscles of internal organs, heart rate, breathing, and digestion. The autonomic nervous system is further divided into the following:

  • Sympathetic nervous system: The sympathetic nervous system focuses on emergency situations by preparing the body for fight or flight. (Sympathetic = Stress)
  • Parasympathetic nervous system: The parasympathetic nervous system controls involuntary processes unrelated to emergencies. This system deals with “rest or digest” activities. (Parasympathetic = Peace)

The somatic nervous system primarily controls voluntary activities such as walking and riding a bicycle. Thus, this system sends information to the CNS and motor nerve fibers that are attached to skeletal muscle.

Question 3:

Which of the following are included in the male reproductive system?

A. the penis and epididymis

B. the vas deferens and uterus

C. the penis and Fallopian tubes

D. the penis, scrotum, and cervix

The Correct Answer is A.

The main male reproductive organs are the penis and the testicles, which are located external to the body. The penis is composed of a long shaft and a bulbous end called the glans penis. The glans penis is usually surrounded by an extension of skin called the foreskin.

The testes (analogous to the female ovaries), or testicles, are retained in a pouch of skin called the scrotum, which descends from the base of the penis. The scrotum contains nerves and blood vessels needed to support the testicles’ functions. Each testicle (or testis) produces sperm (analogous to the female ova), which are passed into a series of coiled tubules called the epididymis. The epididymis stores and nurtures sperm until they are passed into the vas deferens, a tubule that is about 30 centimeters long, extending from the testicle into the pelvis and ending at the ejaculatory duct.

The epididymis and vas deferens are supported by several accessory glands (the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, and the Cowper glands) that produce fluid components of semen and support the sperm cells.

Question 4:

Which part of the digestive system comes before the stomach?

A. mouth

B. esophagus

C. ileum

D. colon

The Correct Answer is B.

Oral Cavity is the first part of the digestive system. It is bounded by the lips and cheeks and contains the teeth and tongue. Its primary function is to masticate, or chew, and moisten the food.

Pharynx, or throat, connects the mouth to the esophagus.

Esophagus is a muscular tube about 25 centimeters long. Food travels down it to the cardiac sphincter of the stomach.

Pyloric sphincter. The exit of the stomach.

Small intestine is about 6 meters long and consists of three parts: duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.

Large intestine, consists of the cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal. The cecum is located where the small and large intestine meet. The primary function of the large intestine is to compress the waste and collect any excess water that can be recycled.

Colon is about 1.5 to 1.8 meters long and consists of four parts: the ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colon.


Question 5:

Which sequence describes the hierarchy level of biological organization?

A. Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species

B. Genus, class, kingdom, species, order, phylum, and family

C. Genus, class, kingdom, species, order, phylum, and family

D. Species, kingdom, genus, class, family, phylum, and order

The Correct Answer is A.

Taxonomy is the process of classifying, describing, and naming organisms. There are seven levels in the Linnaean taxonomic system, starting with the broadest level, kingdom, and ending with the species level. For example, in the image the genus level contains two types of bears, but the species level shows one type. Additionally, organisms in each level are found in the level above it. For example, organisms in the order level are part of the class level. This classification system is based on physical similarities across living things. It does not account for molecular or genetic similarities.

Question 6:

Which example is part of the scientific method?

A. A student reads about a new way to harness energy from the sun.

B. A researcher studies the effects of car exhaust on how people breathe.

C. A researcher analyzes how many plants respond well to a new fertilizer

D. A student discovers how insulin plays a role in the development of diabetes

The Correct Answer is C.

One step of the scientific method is to analyze information or data collected from the experiment to conclude whether the hypothesis is supported.

Recall that these make up the scientific method, described below:

  • Problem: The question created because of an observation. Example: Does the size of a plastic object affect how fast it naturally degrades in a lake?
  • Research: Reliable information available about what is observed. Example: Learn how plastics are made and understand the properties of a lake.
  • Hypothesis: A predicted solution to the question or problem. Example: If the plastic material is small, then it will degrade faster than a large particle.
  • Experiment: A series of tests used to evaluate the hypothesis. Experiments consist of an independent variable that the researcher modifies and a dependent variable that changes due to the independent variable. They also include a control group used as a standard to make comparisons. 
    • Example: Collect plastic particles both onshore and offshore of the lake over time. Determine the size of the particles and describe the lake conditions during this time period.
  • Observe: Analyze data collected during an experiment to observe patterns. 
    • Example: Analyze the differences between the numbers of particles collected in terms of size.
  • Conclusion: State whether the hypothesis is rejected or accepted and summarize all results.
  • Communicate: Report findings so others can replicate and verify the results.

Question 7: A person is diagnosed as having acidosis, a condition in which the blood pH is below 7.45. What does the doctor most likely conclude?

A. Too much carbon dioxide is found in the blood.

B. Highly oxygenated blood circulates through the body

C. A blockage prevents blood from leaving the pulmonary artery

D. The nasal cavity has a difficult time clearing particles from the air.

The Correct Answer is A. Acidosis is when the body fluids contain too much acid, or low pH. The kidneys and lungs are unable to keep the body’s pH in balance. Acidosis is the result when there is too much loss of bicarbonate from the blood known as metabolic acidosis, or due to a buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood due to poor lung function, known as respiratory acidosis. It is the opposite of alkalosis, which is a condition in which there is too much base in the body fluids.

Question 8:

What is the correct order of the stages of the cell cycle?

A. G1,S,G2,M

B. G2,S,G1,M

C. M,S,G2,G1

D. S,M,G1,G1

The Correct Answer is A.

The cell cycle is an organized process divided into two phases: interphase and the M (mitotic) phase. During interphase, the cell grows and copies its DNA. After the cell reaches the M phase, division of the two new cells can occur. The G1, S, and G2 phases make up interphase.

  • G1: The first gap phase, during which the cell prepares to copy its DNA
  • S: The synthesis phase, during which DNA is copied
  • G2 : The second gap phase, during which the cell prepares for cell division

It may appear that little is happening in the cell during the gap phases. Most of the activity occurs at the level of enzymes and macromolecules. The cell produces things like nucleotides for synthesizing new DNA strands, enzymes for copying the DNA, and tubulin proteins for building the mitotic spindle. During the S phase, the DNA in the cell doubles, but few other signs are obvious under the microscope. All the dramatic events that can be seen under a microscope occur during the M phase: the chromosomes move, and the cell splits into two new cells with identical nuclei.

Question 9:

In which state of matter do the particles of iron have the lowest amount of cohesion?

A. Solid iron particles have the lowest amount of cohesion

B. Liquid iron particles have the lowest amount of cohesion

C. Gaseous iron particles have the lowest amount of cohesion

D. The particles have the same amount of cohesion in all states of matter.

The Correct Answer is C.

The particles in a sample of gas are farther apart than in solids or liquids and therefore have the lowest amount of cohesion.

  • Cohesion is the tendency of particles of the same kind to stick to each other.
  • A solid has the lowest amount of energy because its particles are packed close together. Liquids have more energy than a solid, and gases have more energy than solids or liquids because the cohesive forces are very weak.

Question 10:

What standard is used to make comparisons in experiments?

A. Sample size

B. Control group

C. Dependent variable

D. Independent variable

The Correct Answer is B.

A control group is a factor that does not change during an experiment. Due to this, it is used as a standard for comparison with variables that do change such as a dependent variable.

Recall that these make up the scientific method, described below:

  • Problem: The question created because of an observation. Example: Does the size of a plastic object affect how fast it naturally degrades in a lake?
  • Research: Reliable information available about what is observed. Example: Learn how plastics are made and understand the properties of a lake.
  • Hypothesis: A predicted solution to the question or problem. Example: If the plastic material is small, then it will degrade faster than a large particle.
  • Experiment: A series of tests used to evaluate the hypothesis. Experiments consist of an independent variable that the researcher modifies and a dependent variable that changes due to the independent variable. They also include a control group used as a standard to make comparisons. 
    • Example: Collect plastic particles both onshore and offshore of the lake over time. Determine the size of the particles and describe the lake conditions during this time period.
  • Observe: Analyze data collected during an experiment to observe patterns. 
    • Example: Analyze the differences between the numbers of particles collected in terms of size.
  • Conclusion: State whether the hypothesis is rejected or accepted and summarize all results.
  • Communicate: Report findings so others can replicate and verify the results.