Which of the following is responsible for carrying amino acids to ribosomes during protein synthesis?





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Answer Explanation:

Transfer RNA (tRNA) is responsible for carrying amino acids to ribosomes during protein synthesis. Each tRNA molecule has a specific anticodon that matches a codon on the messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule. The tRNA molecule binds to the mRNA codon and brings the corresponding amino acid to the ribosome, where it is added to the growing polypeptide chain.

  Transfer RNA - Wikipedia



Therefore, the Correct Answer is A.

More Questions on TEAS 7 Science Practice Test 3

Question 1:

Which of the following is a chemical property of a substance?

A. Density

B. Melting point

C. Boiling point

D. Reactivity with acid

The Correct Answer is D.

Chemical properties are characteristics of a substance that describe its ability to undergo a chemical change or reaction with another substance.

Reactivity with acid is a chemical property because it describes how a substance will react with an acid to produce a new substance. Density, melting point, and boiling point are physical properties that describe how a substance behaves under certain conditions but do not involve a chemical change or reaction.

Question 2:

What is the name of the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels in the human body?

A. Insulin

B. Glucagon

C. Estrogen

D. Testosterone

The Correct Answer is A.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that plays a crucial role in regulating the levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. After a person eats a meal, the levels of glucose in the blood rise, which stimulates the pancreas to release insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin acts on various cells in the body, particularly those in the liver, muscles, and adipose tissue, to promote the uptake, use, and storage of glucose.

Insulin helps to lower the levels of glucose in the blood by increasing the uptake of glucose by cells, stimulating the liver and muscle cells to store glucose in the form of glycogen, and inhibiting the production and release of glucose by the liver. This process is known as glucose homeostasis, and it helps to keep the levels of glucose in the blood within a normal range.

Deficiencies or abnormalities in insulin production or function can lead to a range of metabolic disorders, including type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin, while in type 2 diabetes, the body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin, leading to elevated levels of glucose in the blood.

Pancreas - Hormones Australia


Question 3:

Which of the following is an example of a double-blind study?

A. Participants are randomly assigned to a treatment group or a control group

B. Participants and researchers both know which group participants are assigned to

C. Participants do not know which group they are assigned to, but researchers do

D. Both participants and researchers do not know which group participants are assigned to

The Correct Answer is D.

A double-blind study is a research design in which neither the participants nor the researchers know which group participants are assigned to. This is done to minimize bias and ensure that the results of the study are as objective as possible. In a double-blind study, the treatment and control groups are randomly assigned, and the participants and researchers are unaware of which group each participant is assigned to. Option a) is an example of a randomized controlled trial, which is a common research design, but it is not necessarily double-blind. Option b) is an example of an open-label study, in which both the participants and the researchers know which group each participant is assigned to. Option c) is an example of a single-blind study, in which the participants do not know which group they are assigned to, but the researchers do.

Single, Double & Triple Blind Study | Definition & Examples


Question 4:

What is the difference between innate immunity and adaptive immunity?

A. Innate immunity is present at birth and provides immediate, non-specific protection against pathogens while adaptive immunity is developed over time and provides specific protection against particular pathogens.

B. Innate immunity involves the recognition of specific pathogens while adaptive immunity involves the recognition of general paterns of pathogens.

C. Innate immunity involves the production of antibodies while adaptive immunity involves the activation of phagocytes.

D. Innate immunity is activated by the lymphatic system while adaptive immunity is activated by the circulatory system.

The Correct Answer is A.

Innate immunity is the first line of defense against pathogens and is present at birth. It provides immediate, non-specific protection against a wide range of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Innate immunity involves physical barriers, such as skin and mucous membranes, as well as cellular and molecular components, such as phagocytes and cytokines.

Adaptive immunity, on the other hand, is developed over time and provides specific protection against particular pathogens. It involves the recognition of antigens, which are specific components of pathogens, by immune cells called lymphocytes. The lymphocytes then produce antibodies that are specific to the antigens, allowing for a targeted response to the pathogen. This process takes time to develop, as the immune system needs to encounter the pathogen and mount a response.

Overall, innate immunity provides immediate, non-specific protection while adaptive immunity provides specific protection that is tailored to the particular pathogen. Both forms of immunity work together to protect the body against pathogens.

Question 5:

What are the steps involved in the scientific method?

A. Observation, hypothesis, prediction, experimentation, analysis, conclusion.

B. Hypothesis, observation, prediction, experimentation, analysis, conclusion.

C. Prediction, observation, experimentation, analysis, conclusion, hypothesis.

D. Observation, data collection, analysis, experimentation, hypothesis, conclusion.

The Correct Answer is A.

The scientific method is a systematic approach used to answer questions or test hypotheses about the natural world. The steps involved in the scientific method are:

  1. Observation: This is the first step in the scientific method. It involves observing a phenomenon or a problem and gathering information about it.
  2. Hypothesis: After making an observation, a scientist forms a hypothesis, which is a tentative explanation for the phenomenon or problem.
  3. Prediction: Based on the hypothesis, the scientist makes a prediction about what will happen in an experiment or what they will observe.
  4. Experimentation: The scientist designs and conducts an experiment to test the hypothesis and prediction.
  5. Analysis: The data collected from the experiment are analyzed to determine if they support or refute the hypothesis.
  6. Conclusion: Based on the analysis of the data, the scientist draws a conclusion about whether the hypothesis is supported or refuted.

Option b) is incorrect because it starts with hypothesis before observation. Option c) is incorrect because prediction comes before experimentation. Option d) is incorrect because hypothesis comes after observation and data collection.

  What Are The Steps In The Scientific Method?




Question 6:

Which of the following is a function of the respiratory system?

A. Transport of nutrients to the body

B. Pumping of blood to the lungs

C. Exchange of gases between the body and the environment

D. Digestion of food in the stomach

The Correct Answer is C.

One of the main functions of the respiratory system is to facilitate the exchange of gases between the body and the environment. During inhalation, air enters the lungs and oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream. During exhalation, carbon dioxide is removed from the body and expelled into the environment.

  The respiratory system review (article) | Khan Academy




Question 7:

Which of the following statements is true regarding vaccines?

A. Vaccines can cause the disease they are designed to protect against

B. Vaccines work by providing passive immunity to the individual

C. Vaccines work by exposing the individual to a weakened or inactivated form of the pathogen

D. Vaccines only provide protection against bacterial infections

The Correct Answer is C.

Vaccines are a type of preventative medicine that work by exposing the individual to a weakened or inactivated form of a pathogen (such as a virus or bacteria) or to a piece of the pathogen (such as a protein or sugar) that triggers an immune response in the body. This exposure allows the body to develop immunity to the pathogen without getting sick from the full-blown disease. Once the immune system has been primed, it can recognize and quickly respond to the pathogen if it is encountered again in the future, providing protection against the disease.

It is a common misconception that vaccines can cause the disease they are designed to protect against. This is not true. While some vaccines may cause mild symptoms such as a low-grade fever or soreness at the injection site, they do not cause the full-blown disease.

Vaccines provide active immunity, meaning that the body produces its own antibodies against the pathogen, rather than receiving pre-made antibodies as in passive immunity. Additionally, vaccines can be effective against both bacterial and viral infections, depending on the specific vaccine.

Everything You Need to Know About Vaccinations


Question 8:

Which of the following is the process by which DNA is copied into RNA?

A. Replication

B. Transcription

C. Translation

D. Mutation

The Correct Answer is B.

Transcription is the process by which DNA is copied into RNA. During transcription, the DNA molecule unwinds and RNA polymerase reads the DNA sequence and synthesizes a complementary RNA molecule using the DNA as a template.

Stages of transcription: initiation, elongation & termination (article) |  Khan Academy



Question 9:

What is the primary pigment responsible for photosynthesis in plants?

A. Chlorophyll a

B. Chlorophyll b

C. Carotenoids

D. Anthocyanins

The Correct Answer is A.

Chlorophyll a is the primary pigment responsible for photosynthesis in plants. It is a green pigment that is essential for capturing light energy from the sun and converting it into chemical energy that can be used by the plant. Chlorophyll a absorbs light most efficiently in the blue and red parts of the spectrum, and reflects green light, giving plants their characteristic green color

Chlorophyll b is another type of chlorophyll that is also involved in photosynthesis, but it is not as abundant as chlorophyll a. Chlorophyll b absorbs light most efficiently in the blue and orange parts of the spectrum and reflects yellow-green light.

Carotenoids are pigments that are present in many plants and are involved in photosynthesis as well as protecting the plant from damage caused by excess light. Carotenoids are responsible for the orange, yellow, and red colors of many fruits and vegetables.

Anthocyanins are pigments that give plants their red, purple, and blue colors. While they are not directly involved in photosynthesis, they play a role in atracting pollinators and protecting the plant from damage caused by UV radiation.

What are the pigments involved in photosynthesis? - Quora


Question 10:

What is the name of the joint that allows for rotation of the arm at the shoulder?

A. Elbow joint

B. Hip joint

C. Knee joint

D. Shoulder joint

The Correct Answer is D.
  Shoulder Human Anatomy: Image, Function, Parts, and More