Which sequence describes the hierarchy level of biological organization?

A. Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species

B. Genus, class, kingdom, species, order, phylum, and family

C. Genus, class, kingdom, species, order, phylum, and family

D. Species, kingdom, genus, class, family, phylum, and order

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Answer Explanation:

Taxonomy is the process of classifying, describing, and naming organisms. There are seven levels in the Linnaean taxonomic system, starting with the broadest level, kingdom, and ending with the species level. For example, in the image the genus level contains two types of bears, but the species level shows one type. Additionally, organisms in each level are found in the level above it. For example, organisms in the order level are part of the class level. This classification system is based on physical similarities across living things. It does not account for molecular or genetic similarities.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is A.

More Questions on TEAS 7 Science Practice Test 2

Question 1:

Which sequence describes the hierarchy level of biological organization?

A. Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species

B. Genus, class, kingdom, species, order, phylum, and family

C. Genus, class, kingdom, species, order, phylum, and family

D. Species, kingdom, genus, class, family, phylum, and order

The Correct Answer is A.

Taxonomy is the process of classifying, describing, and naming organisms. There are seven levels in the Linnaean taxonomic system, starting with the broadest level, kingdom, and ending with the species level. For example, in the image the genus level contains two types of bears, but the species level shows one type. Additionally, organisms in each level are found in the level above it. For example, organisms in the order level are part of the class level. This classification system is based on physical similarities across living things. It does not account for molecular or genetic similarities.

Question 2:

An atom has 28 protons, 32 neutrons, and 28 electrons. What is the name of this isotope?

A. Nickel-32

B. Nickel-60

C. Germanium-56

D. Germanium-60

The Correct Answer is B.

The number of protons, 28, gives the atomic number, which identifies this atom as nickel. The mass is the number after the dash in the isotope name, which is determined by adding the numbers of protons and neutrons (28 + 32 = 60).

Question 3:

If a person smells something sweet, what form of information is this initially perceived as in the nervous system?

A. Cognitive

B. Integrative

C. Motor

D. Sensory

The Correct Answer is D.

A sensory nerve is a nerve that carries sensory signals from the external environment to the brain to the central nervous system. It is also an afferent nerve, long dendrites of sensory neurons, which sends sensory information towards the central nervous system (CNS). This information is what is sensed, using the five senses from external environment, sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

Motor nerves have only efferent fibers, long axons of motor neurons, that carry impulses away from the CNS to the effectors, which are typically tissues and muscles of the body.

Interneurons are nerve cells that act as a bridge between motor and sensory neurons in the CNS. These neurons help form neural circuits, which helps neurons communicate with each other.

Question 4:

Where is skeletal muscle found?

A. Inside the heart

B. Attached to bone

C. Lining the walls of the bladder

D. Within the gastrointestinal tract

The Correct Answer is B.

Skeletal muscle: This muscle cell is striated, long, and cylindrical. There are many nuclei in a skeletal muscle cell. Attached to bones in the body, skeletal muscle contracts voluntarily, meaning that it is under conscious control.

Smooth muscle: This muscle consists of nonstriated muscle cells that are spindle-shaped. Like cardiac muscle cells, smooth muscle cells contain one nucleus. This muscle type is found in the walls of internal organs like the bladder and stomach. Smooth muscle contraction is involuntary and controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

Cardiac muscle: This muscle consists of muscle cells that are striated, short, and branched. These cells contain one nucleus, are branched, and are rectangular. Cardiac muscle contraction is an involuntary process, which is why it is under the control of the autonomic nervous system. This muscle is found in the walls of the heart.

Question 5:

Which of the following are included in the male reproductive system?

A. the penis and epididymis

B. the vas deferens and uterus

C. the penis and Fallopian tubes

D. the penis, scrotum, and cervix

The Correct Answer is A.

The main male reproductive organs are the penis and the testicles, which are located external to the body. The penis is composed of a long shaft and a bulbous end called the glans penis. The glans penis is usually surrounded by an extension of skin called the foreskin.

The testes (analogous to the female ovaries), or testicles, are retained in a pouch of skin called the scrotum, which descends from the base of the penis. The scrotum contains nerves and blood vessels needed to support the testicles’ functions. Each testicle (or testis) produces sperm (analogous to the female ova), which are passed into a series of coiled tubules called the epididymis. The epididymis stores and nurtures sperm until they are passed into the vas deferens, a tubule that is about 30 centimeters long, extending from the testicle into the pelvis and ending at the ejaculatory duct.

The epididymis and vas deferens are supported by several accessory glands (the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, and the Cowper glands) that produce fluid components of semen and support the sperm cells.

Question 6:

As soon as an invader, known as a(n) _____, enters the body, the body begins to fight.

A. antibody

B. pathogen

C. trigger

D. vaccination

The Correct Answer is B.

Pathogen is an infectious foreign body that enters the body and causes disease or illness to the person. There are five types of pathogens: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and worms. Pathogens have antigen proteins found on their surface and are unique to each pathogen.

Antibody is a protein produced by the body’s immune system when it detects harmful substances (antigens). There are many different antibodies found in the body. Each one is unique and protects the body against the specific antigen that it detects at any given time. If there are no antibodies for a specific antigen, the more likely you are to develop an illness.

Vaccinations are the introduction of a dead or disabled pathogen or of a harmless microbe with the protein of a pathogen on its surface into the body. Often administered through needle injection, to stimulate the immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease Immunity protects the body from a disease when exposed to it.

There are four types of immunity: natural/passive, natural/active, artificial/passive, and artificial/ active.

  • Natural/passive – Babies receive immunities from breastmilk.
  • Natural/active – The body produces antibodies to combat an illness when a person becomes sick.
  • Artificial/passive – This immunity is temporary and requires doses of serum to maintain the immunity.
  • Artificial/active – A vaccination provides artificial/active immunity.

Question 7:

Which is true regarding the Urinary system?

A. Kidneys makes urine, Kidney help regulate water balance.

B. As a person ages, kidney tissue and filtration capacity increase, Regulates levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium.

C. Eliminates metabolic wastes., Kidneys makes urine., Kidney help regulate water balance.

D. Kidney help regulate water balance, Regulates levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, Eliminates metabolic wastes

The Correct Answer is D.

Kidneys makes urine is incorrect. Kidneys do not make urine. They help regulate water balance, regulate levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, and eliminate metabolic wastes. Urine is a byproduct of these functions.

As a person ages, kidney tissue and filtration capacity increase is incorrect. As a person ages, the kidneys and bladder change. This can affect functions such as bladder control and how well the kidneys filter blood. Kidney changes range from a decrease in kidney tissue to decreased filtration capacity.

Kidneys help regulate water balance is correct. Kidneys help regulate water balance, regulate levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, and eliminate metabolic wastes. Urine is a byproduct of these functions.

Regulates levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium is correct. There must be a continual balance of water and salt in the blood. The urinary system, specifically the kidneys, help maintain this balance. It also balances levels of metabolites or electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and calcium.

Eliminates metabolic wastes is correct. Urea, creatinine, uric acid, and ammonium are the primary types of nitrogenous wastes excreted from the body. The urinary system also detects and excretes excess water from the blood and out of the body.

Question 8:

In which state of matter are the intermolecular forces between particles in a substance the strongest?

A. Gas

B. Liquid

C. Plasma

D. Solid

The Correct Answer is D.

In solids, particles are usually closer together than in other states of matter because of the strong cohesive forces between the particles.

  • Solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas differ from one another in the amount of energy that the particles have and the strength of the cohesive forces that hold the particles together.
  • Cohesion is the tendency of particles of the same kind to stick to each other.
  • A solid has the lowest amount of energy because its particles are packed close together. Liquids have more energy than a solid, and gases have more energy than solids or liquids because the cohesive forces are very weak.

Question 9:

After food has been masticated in the oral cavity, where does it go next?

A. Colon

B. Liver

C. Pancreas

D. Pharynx

The Correct Answer is D.

Once the food has been masticated in the oral cavity (mouth), it is then swallowed and travels back into the pharynx down into the esophagus, which leads into the stomach.

Question 10:

What is the final structure through which urine must travel to empty out of the body?

A. Bladder

B. Kidney

C. Ureter

D. Urethra

The Correct Answer is D.

The primary organ of the urinary system is the kidney. Blood from the heart flows through the kidneys via the renal artery. As blood drains from the kidney, it exits through a series of veins, the most prominent of which is the renal vein. When urine is produced, it does not drain through the tubes through which blood flows. Rather, urine flows through two ureters before emptying into the urinary bladder.

The following steps outline how the urinary system works:

  • Kidney filters and excretes wastes from blood, producing urine.
  • Urine flows down the ureters.
  • Urine empties into the bladder and is temporarily stored.
  • Bladder, when filled, empties urine out of the body via the urethra.