Which statement best represents Mendel’s experiments with garden peas?

A. As a result, Mendel developed several theories that have since been disproved.

B. Mendel realized he was on an incorrect track, which led him to other experimental media

C. As a result, Mendel developed foundational conclusions that are still valued and followed today.

D. Mendel collaborated with others interested in genetics to develop heredity guidelines we still use today

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Answer Explanation:

Mendel developed theories of genetics that scientists around the world use today.

From experiments with garden peas, Mendel developed a simple set of rules that accurately predicted patterns of heredity. He discovered that plants either self-pollinate or cross-pollinate, when the pollen from one plant fertilizes the pistil of another plant. He also discovered that traits are either dominant or recessive. Dominant traits are expressed, and recessive traits are hidden.

Mendel’s Theory of Heredity

To explain his results, Mendel proposed a theory that has become the foundation of the science of genetics. The theory has five elements:

  • Parents do not transmit traits directly to their offspring. Rather, they pass on units of information called genes.
  • For each trait, an individual has two factors: one from each parent. If the two factors have the same information, the individual is homozygous for that trait. If the two factors are different, the individual is heterozygous for that trait. Each copy of a factor, or gene, is called an allele.
  • The alleles determine the physical appearance, or phenotype. The set of alleles an individual has is its genotype.
  • An individual receives one allele from each parent.
  • The presence of an allele does not guarantee that the trait will be expressed.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is D.

More Questions on TEAS 7 Science Practice Test 2

Question 1:

As soon as an invader, known as a(n) _____, enters the body, the body begins to fight.

A. antibody

B. pathogen

C. trigger

D. vaccination

The Correct Answer is B.

Pathogen is an infectious foreign body that enters the body and causes disease or illness to the person. There are five types of pathogens: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and worms. Pathogens have antigen proteins found on their surface and are unique to each pathogen.

Antibody is a protein produced by the body’s immune system when it detects harmful substances (antigens). There are many different antibodies found in the body. Each one is unique and protects the body against the specific antigen that it detects at any given time. If there are no antibodies for a specific antigen, the more likely you are to develop an illness.

Vaccinations are the introduction of a dead or disabled pathogen or of a harmless microbe with the protein of a pathogen on its surface into the body. Often administered through needle injection, to stimulate the immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease Immunity protects the body from a disease when exposed to it.

There are four types of immunity: natural/passive, natural/active, artificial/passive, and artificial/ active.

  • Natural/passive – Babies receive immunities from breastmilk.
  • Natural/active – The body produces antibodies to combat an illness when a person becomes sick.
  • Artificial/passive – This immunity is temporary and requires doses of serum to maintain the immunity.
  • Artificial/active – A vaccination provides artificial/active immunity.

Question 2:

Fertilization (the fusing of one sperm and an ovum) results in a(n) _____.

A. embryo

B. fetus

C. infant

D. zygote

The Correct Answer is D.

Human intercourse consists of the male introducing sperm into the female’s reproductive system. Sperm may then pass through the female’s reproductive system to the Fallopian tubes where one sperm fertilizes an ovum, creating a zygote. The zygote passes out of the Fallopian tube and implants into the uterine wall to begin gestation. Over nine months, the zygote develops and grows into an embryo and then a fetus. An infant is the baby that is born.

Question 3:

What structure plays a role in air conduction?

A. Alveolus

B. Capillary

C. Lung

D. Trachea

The Correct Answer is D.

The primary function of the respiratory system is to provide oxygen to and remove carbon dioxide from the body. In addition to gas exchange, the respiratory system enables a person to breathe. Breathing, or inhalation, is essential to life. It is the mechanism that provides oxygen to the body. Without oxygen, cells are unable to perform their functions necessary to keep the body alive. The primary muscle of inspiration is the diaphragm. Known as the chest cavity, this dome shaped structure flattens when it contracts. The rib cage moves outward, allowing outside air to be drawn into the lungs. During relaxation, the diaphragm returns to its dome shape and the rib cage moves back to its natural position. This causes the chest cavity to push air out of the lungs.

The respiratory system can be functionally divided into two parts:

  • Air-conducting portion: Air is delivered to the lungs. This region consists of the upper and lower respiratory tract—specifically, the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles.
  • Gas exchange portion: Gas exchange takes place between the air and the blood. This portion includes the lungs, alveoli, and capillaries.

Question 4:

Which of the following is supported by the cell theory?

A. Cells are alive and recognized as the building blocks for life.

B. Scientists can identify and differentiate cells by using a microscope

C. Cells are produced from existing cells using meiosis instead of mitosis.

D. Living things are composed of a single cell that remains undifferentiated

The Correct Answer is A.

After scientists were able to view cells under the microscope they formulated the cell theory. One part of this theory concluded that all cells are alive. They also represent the basic unit of life.

All living things are made of cells. Cells are the smallest structural units and basic building blocks of living things. Cells contain everything necessary to keep living things alive. Varying in size and shape, cells carry out specialized functions. This theory, or in-depth explanation, about cells consists of three parts:

  • All living things are composed of one or more cells.
  • Cells are alive and represent the basic unit of life.
  • All cells are produced from pre-existing cells.


Question 5:

Which is true regarding the Urinary system?

A. Kidneys makes urine, Kidney help regulate water balance.

B. As a person ages, kidney tissue and filtration capacity increase, Regulates levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium.

C. Eliminates metabolic wastes., Kidneys makes urine., Kidney help regulate water balance.

D. Kidney help regulate water balance, Regulates levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, Eliminates metabolic wastes

The Correct Answer is D.

Kidneys makes urine is incorrect. Kidneys do not make urine. They help regulate water balance, regulate levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, and eliminate metabolic wastes. Urine is a byproduct of these functions.

As a person ages, kidney tissue and filtration capacity increase is incorrect. As a person ages, the kidneys and bladder change. This can affect functions such as bladder control and how well the kidneys filter blood. Kidney changes range from a decrease in kidney tissue to decreased filtration capacity.

Kidneys help regulate water balance is correct. Kidneys help regulate water balance, regulate levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, and eliminate metabolic wastes. Urine is a byproduct of these functions.

Regulates levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium is correct. There must be a continual balance of water and salt in the blood. The urinary system, specifically the kidneys, help maintain this balance. It also balances levels of metabolites or electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and calcium.

Eliminates metabolic wastes is correct. Urea, creatinine, uric acid, and ammonium are the primary types of nitrogenous wastes excreted from the body. The urinary system also detects and excretes excess water from the blood and out of the body.

Question 6:

An intracellular chemical signal can be produced in the cell membrane. Once it is produced, where does it go?

A. To a different cell

B. To another part of the same cell

C. To a region right outside the cell

D. To an area with a high ion concentration

The Correct Answer is B.

There are two major types of receptor molecules that respond to an intercellular chemical signal:

  • Intracellular receptors: These receptors are located in either the cytoplasm or the nucleus of the cell. Signals diffuse across the cell membrane and bind to the receptor sites on intracellular receptors, of the same cell.
  • Membrane-bound receptors: These receptors extend across the cell membrane, with their receptor sites on the outer surface of the cell membrane. They respond to intercellular chemical signals that are large, water-soluble molecules that do not diffuse across the cell membrane.

Question 7:

What type of bond forms between nitrogen and oxygen, and why?

A. Ionic, because electrons are shared

B. Covalent, because electrons are shared

C. Ionic, because electrons are transferred

D. Covalent, because electrons are transferred

The Correct Answer is B.

Nitrogen and oxygen are both nonmetals, which means they will share electrons in a covalent bond. For example, two oxygen atoms form a double bond, in which two pairs of electrons (four electrons total) are shared. Similarly, two nitrogen atoms form a molecule with a triple bond, in which three pairs of electrons (six electrons total) are shared. 

Question 8:

The diffusion of nutrients through the walls of the digestive system is critical to homeostasis in the body. Where does the majority of this diffusion take place in the digestive system?

A. Stomach

B. Esophagus

C. Oral cavity

D. Small intestine

The Correct Answer is D.

The duodenum is the first part of the small intestines, located between the stomach and the middle part of the small intestines (jejunum). Once food has mixed with acid in the stomach, it moves into the duodenum, where it then mixes with bile from the gallbladder and digestive juices secreted from the pancreas. In the duodenum, absorption of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients begins.

Question 9:

A researcher notices a positive correlation between the height of a plant and nutrient concentration over time. Based on this observation, what conclusion does he reach?

A. The height of a plant increases in the absence and presence of the nutrients

B. When the amount of nutrients available to the plant decreases, its height increases.

C. The amount of nutrients available to a plant is independent of how tall the plant gets

D. When the amount of nutrients available to the plant increases, its height also increases.

The Correct Answer is D.

Because this is a positive correlation, if the nutrient concentration increases or decreases, plant height will either increase or decrease accordingly.

While analyzing data, scientists tend to observe cause-and-effect relationships. These relationships can be quantified using correlations. Correlations measure the amount of linear association between two variables. There are three types of correlations:

Positive correlation: 
As one variable increases, the other variable also increases. This is also known as a direct correlation.

Negative correlation: 
As one variable increases, the other decreases. The opposite is true if one variable decreases. A negative correlation is also known as an inverse correlation or an indirect correlation.

No correlation: 
There is no connection or relationship between two variables.

Question 10:

What raw inorganic material would an autotroph most likely use to create chemical energy for growth?

A. carbon dioxide

B. minerals in soil

C. decaying matter

D. sugar molecules

The Correct Answer is B.

Autotrophs are organisms that use basic raw materials in nature, like the sun, to make energy-rich biomolecules. Minerals are naturally inorganic.

Autotrophs are organisms that make energy-rich biomolecules from raw material in nature. They do this by using basic energy sources such the sun. This explains why most autotrophs rely on photosynthesis to transform sunlight into usable food that can produce energy necessary for life. Plants and certain species of bacteria are autotrophs.